In everything we do, we look for ways to impact positively on people and place. It is fundamental that we work with nature – not against it. And this calls on our creativity and understanding in how we design, build, employ, source, partner, and support the wellbeing of our guests and each other. In every process we undertake, and detail we perfect, sustainability comes first. If we are not protective, responsible, progressive, community-minded, renewable, and smart – we are not Patina.
Water Is
Water is the source of life, the most elemental of all entities, and the essential energy that connects and carries people and planet, ocean and animal on a perpetual journey. Within our hotels and resorts, water is conserved, purified, and honoured as a precious presence . And our vital preservation and provision of clean water extends into the locations and communities we call home.

Wellbeing Is
We put health in focus – health of body and mind, person and place, time and space. We do this by sharing the healing powers of plant-based nutrition. We do it by trading with fundamental fairness. And we do it by believing wholeheartedly in the generous promise that there is always betterment to bring into your world.

Is Love
Individuality holds the heart of our inspiration. We celebrate uniqueness – it feeds the universal energy alive in our hotels and resorts. Our protective spirit supports the needs of every guest’s nature. And our emotional intelligence emboldens each human interaction with perceptive understanding.