Fusion is every Patina’s beating heart. It’s where Patina’s social soul shines. It’s a vibrant, dynamic hub that invites interaction and exploration. Meet here, eat here, watch the world go by here. For morning coffee and papers, or sublime sundowners this space lives and breathes the essence of its location.
Our chefs let the seasons feed their inspiration as they create a selection of ever-evolving, ever-intriguing dishes, casual in character and serious in quality. The best local specialities bring out the flavour of place. Formality is set aside in favour of letting the experience unfold.

Patina embraces the energy of creativity, evolving as a show space and a venue for happenings, both planned and unexpected. It thrives on the spirit of originality and expression. As an open studio, it morphs to externalise the beauty of the artistic process and exploration in all mediums, materials, shapes and articulations. Guests can experience creation – the genesis of modern works by the world’s gifted talents, designed to reflect and interpret time and place.

We let the arts of mixology and music interplay. Our cocktails are a study in colour, temperature, texture, and taste – the effect of free-form experimentation with fresh ingredients and inspirited concepts. Nuance is the nature of the flavour. Hand in hand with this is music that reflects mood and mode – artist-honed playlists for guest-defined days and nights.

Unique boutiques showcase an imaginative collection of locally made, fair trade accessories alongside exclusive capsule collections born out of partnerships with seminal designers.